ASB’s Roles At San Pasqual

Keyana Leso, Staff Writer

San Pasqual high school Associated Student Body (ASB) contains many attributes in order to help unify Eagles on campus.

Kiana Gonzalez main editor for SPUTUBE, Ashley Gonzalez head commissioner of spirit, and Josie Orozco commissioner for pep rallies elaborate on their ASB roles and contribution to the campus.

One of ASB’s many goals is to get the students involved with school activities. Their creative way to spread the word about upcoming events is through SPUTUBE. SPUTUBE is where a team of ASB students create a youtube video to humor and inform students of spirit weeks, dances, sports, and more in hopes of student involvement.

“It [SPUTUBE] helps get the students involved,”  Gonzalez said.

SPUTUBE not only allows the students to be informed, but also helps ASB students with possible career options. The production for SPUTUBE is extensive for the team of ASB students that create the videos. Many of the ASB students who are involved with SPUTUBE are receiving directing skills, editing techniques, and overall video production experiences.

“I learned how to edit, there are others on SPUTUBE learning how to edit, and I’m teaching them. It’s really beneficial for the people who are interested in video production,” said Gonzalez.

Another way ASB enhances high school is through school spirit. Spirit weeks are a fun and creative way to show off your school pride. Spirit weeks at San Pasqual consist of exiting costumes, colorful outfits, and more. Most importantly spirit weeks help to show student involvement, creativity,  and unity.

“Spirit and unity helped to open up a door of creativity,” said Gonzalez.

The preparation for events such as spirit weeks, have also influenced some of the ASB students in a positive way. The capability to take on responsibility, and work with others helped create beneficial characteristics for some ASB students.

“I’ve gained confidence and learned to trust and take in others input,” said  Gonzalez.

ASB also assists with student participation through pep rallies. Pep rallies create a rowdy, spiritive, and unifying atmosphere. The time and effort the ASB students put in to generate the pep rallies is exerting. Although it allows the ASB students to work hard and learn new things.

“I’ve gained responsibility,” said Orozco