Masking Your Identity
May 5, 2022
Since Covid hit, the policy of wearing masks has increased. More and more people have to cover their faces every day. At San Pasqual High School it is mandatory to have your masks on, in class at all times. Here is what San Pasqual High School students have to say.
“I think the school should enforce the rule of masks more harshly because it is important to not have Covid spread more especially with a new variant” stated Andrea Lopez, a sophomore at SP.
“I think more people should start wearing their masks and it should be more enforced because I feel like everyone is not taking it seriously,” said junior Emily Martinez.
Many of us have our own opinions on the Mask Mandate. There are those of us who don’t care to listen and those who wish more people would listen. But, not wearing the mask could put many people you don’t know at risk. It is important to keep others around us safe.
”I think people should keep their mask on because it’s still not safe and some don’t follow that rule in class and teachers don’t do anything about it,” said Renee Hernandez.
For most students, there is a struggle to remember to wear their mask, or many forget it at home. Though we have a virus spreading, the mask is a protection for us to feel safer during these difficult times. A lot of students are saying that many students on campus are not following the rule of wearing their masks in class.
“Some people do and some people don’t wear their masks and when they are asked to put their masks on they don’t listen,” commented Natalia Ledesma.
Many are also saying that there are no consequences for breaking the policy. “It’s definitely not enforced much,” stated Martinez.
“Some teachers definitely enforce it a lot more than others. I feel that we are already close to each other anyway and we see these people at school every day,” stated Hudgins.
“I think the mask mandates are fair because they give freedom to students when they’re outside,” adds Liah Morales. “However I think
they aren’t enforced enough and a lot of people ignore the rules and teachers don’t care enough to enforce them.”
It was interesting to get the point of view of the students at SPHS about what they thought on this matter.