Gone Too Soon
A Tribute to Senor Ramon Jaime
June 5, 2022

SPHS teacher Señor Ramon Jaime died on April 21st after sustaining injuries from a hit and run accident while changing a tire in Tijuana, Mexico this last January.
Sr. Jaime was more than a teacher here at San Pasqual. He was also a friend, mentor, and role model.“Over the years people came to love him as a teacher because he was sweet, honest, and sincere,” says Señora Caroline Potter, his colleague and close friend. “We’ve known each other for fifteen years. I’ve always been in this room and he has always been right next to me…Throughout the years we’ve really become more than just colleagues, because he is a great person. He is a really great friend.”
Sr. Jaime taught Spanish here at SPHS. He also hosted a SOAR soccer league after school at Kit Carson Park. He would reff and play with the students. For many years, he would stay late on Tuesday nights and translate the newsletter to the school. He had done work with METCHA and the Ballet Folklorico Club as well.
“He’s done a lot, not just with extracurricular activities but also trying to be as helpful as possible with the kids and with the community,” states Sra. Potter.

His passing has saddened not only his family, but the many students and staff who have known him throughout his teaching career. Sr. Jamie made a massive impact on our school and community. He pushed his students to the best of their abilities and helped them along each step of the way.
“He was always open and friendly with students,” explains Sra. Potter. “It didn’t matter if they were the A student or the F student, he treated them all the same.”
“I was not the best student in his class due to not being fluent in Spanish, but he was always patient with me,” Joy Russel, a former student, shares.
“I think that sometimes people just take his class because they just want to be in his room,” adds Sra. Potter.
“I will never forget how he would laugh at his own jokes,” shares Talon Marlow, a former student. His classroom was certainly a fun space. Sr. Jaime made learning and being in the classroom enjoyable for his students.
“Some of the fun little rules he had in his classroom also added to just how funny his personality was,” explains Sra. Potter. “Every single time a student would speak English in the class, he would give them a fine of a penny. So they would have to deposit a penny every time they spoke English.”
“He made the classroom not just a classroom,” explains Marlow. “He just always made everything fun. Even if we had a lot of work to do, he didn’t make us sit down and work the entire class period.”

However, as much as he loved being in the classroom, he also loved his soccer team. “On the days that there was a big Tijuana soccer match, he would always tell them [his students]: ‘Oh I have a dentist appointment tomorrow! That was always his excuse,’” says Sra. Potter.
There is no question that he will be severely missed in class, around campus, and in our community.
“I met him through getting food,” says Gabe Valdez. “He would sell Takis and Cup of Noodles.” Gabe explained he was never a student of Sr. Jaime’s, but he still knew him from the talk around school when it came to Takis and Maruchan. “His classroom was full at lunch everyday with students getting the Maruchan and the noodles just because they really felt comfortable with him,” says Sra. Potter.

His students meant the world to him and there was no doubt about it. “He was always looking out, especially for the students who had just come from Mexico or Guatemala that didn’t know English that well,” says Sra. Potter. “He was definitely a safe zone for them.”
“If I could talk to him one more time, I would say thank you for being the best teacher,” shares Potter.
“I love all my teachers, but I think Sr. Jaime definitely made one of the biggest impacts in my life,” shares Russel.

It’s safe to say that many more of his students feel the same way. “I wish him well and hope he spreads his wings,” states Sra. Potter in her final farewell to her dear friend. “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.”

Sra. Potter started a GoFundMe account for Sr. Jaime immediately following his injury, which raised over $31,000. A new GoFundMe account has been initiated by his family in the wake of his death. If you would like to donate to the Jaime family, you can do so at this account.