Sad in Quarantine
Should your mental health be valued above grades?
The Covid-19 virus has made a big change in students mental Health.
December 11, 2020
During the era of social media and a new age of technology humans have been hit with the hardest challenge since the Spanish Flu that started in 1918 and ended in 1919. The Spanish Flu claimed the lives of roughly 50 million people just within 6 months. Covid-19 is the new offspring of the Spanish Flu. It has claimed over 1 million lives, and the numbers for new cases and deaths is constantly growing. Just because the Spanish Flu killed more people does not make Covid-19 any less dangerous. Covid-19 is a virus that can constantly evolve, with no specific pattern, and the symptoms are vague.
Not only has Covid-19 taken the lives of so many people as a side effect of its presence in the world, quarantine became a large problem that spiraled out of the world’s control. The mentalities of everyone have drastically changed, more often in a negative direction than that of a positive one. People, being stuck at home, are snapping at their family and friends more often. Friendship ties are being severed over the smallest disagreements that in normal circumstances would have never even happened in the first place.
Covid-19 has also meddled with our mental health. According to Julia Peterson from CBS News, a recent study conducted in Saskatchewan showed that 20 percent of the people that responded to an online survey had anxiety and 15 percent reported to have depression. There has been news that the people of Saskatchewan have lost access to mental health supports during the pandemic.
“Ten percent of respondents who needed mental health services during the pandemic did not receive them, and 15 percent of respondents who were being treated for a mental health disorder before COVID were no longer being treated,” said Petersen.
Frightening, isn’t it? Students are losing access to mental health care that they are in dire need of. Students are facing problems at home, piling up school work and shorter and shorter deadlines. Students are experiencing uncertainty, fear, anger, and helplessness. Teachers are worried because they don’t know how to help their students.
My advice to you is… you are the main character in your own life. When the pressure hits and your mental health starts to break down because you see 20 plus more assignments due at 11:59 at night, think to yourself: are those assignments really worth more than your own mental health? Definitely not. You can do this. We’ll get through this. Quarantine won’t be forever, and you’ll see your friends again. Think about your school career like this… since your mind is set for your dream job, and you’re afraid you wont make it to that college, go to a community college first. You’ll get there. Drink some water, relax, and focus on yourself. Go to one of our school’s lovely counselors that are always willing to listen and give you advice, or go to your trusted personal counselor. Many counselors are advising to find a personal coping mechanism, whether it be journaling, drawing, or playing a sport you love. Focus on you.