Seniors Get Cap and Gown


Eagles make sure to get your cap and gown for your 2019 graduation.

Dominique Domville, Staff Writer

Senior year is often an extremely busy time with schoolwork, activities, and special events. It’s important to keep grades up to a C or higher and to continue to keep track of deadlines. It’s important to know when the cap and gown order is due and what forms you have to complete because it’s a requirement to order your cap and gown in order to participate in graduation. Seniors should have a calendar so they know which lists due dates for cap and gown orders, or they are also available in the office.

Seniors are also allowed to keep their tassels as a souvenir, and if they would like to pay extra for a “keeper gown,” the graduate can wear it for the ceremony and keep it as a souvenir afterwards.  Caps and gowns symbolize superiority and intelligence and can serve as a great reminder of your accomplishments.

The cost for cap and gown will vary if you order add-ons, but begins around $25. Typical graduation expenses are the cap and gown, all costs are associated with hosting a graduation party, and graduation fees charged by some schools. Students can also rent a cap and gown from San Pasqual. Students with questions should see their guidance counselor.