Boys soccer returns for the 2018-2019 season

Lucia Ayala, Staff Writer

Soccer season is back, which means that the boys at San Pasqual High School are ready to show off what they’ve been preparing for this season.

Sebastian Tellez, a varsity soccer player at San Pasqual, is very excited to play soccer this season with his team members. He has also really enjoyed playing from the previous year.

Many students from all grades joined soccer this year, this means that some made it on the freshmen, junior varsity, and varsity teams.

“Overall this year, about 200 students tried out, between freshman, JV, and varsity,” Tellez said.

Each team has an expectation of helping each team member improve at the sport and expecting team members to attend every practice an on game days. Every player on the team has a unique story about why they joined and why they became so passionate about soccer.

“I joined this year because I fell in love with the sport when I was five years old,” Tellez said.

Each player also has a special person that has inspired them to start playing soccer and joining a team.

“My parents and coaches inspired me; it’s also just about getting into college,” Tellez said.

For each season, the soccer team plans out a main goal that they want to achieve.

“Our main goal as a team is to win league and CIF,” Tellez said.

Not only does the team want to accomplish this goal, but Tellez admitted that his personal goal is also the same as his team’s goal. To achieve this main goal the team has, they have to put in a lot of their personal time and effort to practice and get better.

“We practice for about two to three hours depending on what we need to do, ” says Tellez. “Coaches put in a ton of their time and effort to be there.”

Although soccer requires quite a bit of skills and thinking ability, the team also has a lot of fun right before the season begins by organizing fundraisers to raise money for the sport, such as the 5K run at Grape Day Park. Soccer is a great sport to put yourself out there and get recognized by college recruiters.

Team members from previous years always have a little pep talk or words of advice to give their new team members. “It’s never about the skills you have or might not have, it’s mainly about work rate and how you can get back up from a mistake,” Tellez said.